Custom T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Hoodies

Custom Clothing

Custom wear for every occasion

Get Your new custom clothing designs

Chill out with your friends in our custom t-shirts styles

Create T-Shirts

Create Men's T-Shirts

Create Hoodies

Create Women's T-Shirts

Create Women's Sweatshirts

Create Men's Sweatshirts

Create Designs Instantly

Add your text, or explore hundreds of personalized templates.

Custom printed products for Your brand identity

Passion for Printing

At ULTRABASIC, we’re about more than shirts. We’re about you and everything you love. The passion you share with your group, club, or team; the excitement you have for your event or cause; and the drive that makes your business stand out from the rest. You can even pick any of the styles for your custom t-shirts, hoodies and more from our library. We have you covered if you need unique and personalized tees, sweaters or hoodies with graphics or text.

Unforgettable gift

Check out our collection of gifts tshirts for the very best in exclusive custom handmade pieces. Design t-shirts or sweatshirts are also memorables choices for gifting. Whatever the occasion, our custom t-shirts will surely delight you. Get a variety of custom shirts made to order for birthdays, family reunions, holidays, bachelorete parties, etc.